John Hollenbeck / The Claudia Quintet


191. emisija / Cuneiform Records 2013: 

  1. Dylan Ryan Sand – White Nights (4:20)
  2. Dylan Ryan Sand – Translucent Spheres (5:03)
  3. Dylan Ryan Sand – Sky Bleached (3:28)
  4. The Claudia Quintet – September 18th: Lemons (10:35)
  5. The Claudia Quintet – September 24th: Interval Dig (6:24)
  6. Tatvamasi – Rhubanabarb (8:21)
  7. Tatvamasi – Shape Suggestion (9:14)
  8. Chrome Hoof – Enter The Drobe (3:36)
  9. Chrome Hoof – Tortured Craft (4:02)
  10. Chrome Hoof – Ultimate Sealed Unit (5:46)
  11. Săo Paulo Underground – Ol’ Dirty Hummingbird (4:34)
  12. Săo Paulo Underground – Evetch (2:31)
  13. Săo Paulo Underground – Six-Handed Casio (4:04)
  14. Săo Paulo Underground – Basilio’s Crazy Wedding Song (3:00)
  15. Miriodor – La roue (3:43)
  16. Miriodor – Cobra Fakir (8:53)
  17. Miriodor – Maringouin (3:41)
  18. Zevious – Was Solis (6:01)
  19. Zevious – Pantocyclus (4:06)
  20. Zevious – White Minus Red (6:55)


Autor emisije je Bojan Jović.



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